When Palmer met Blake

1824 to 2024

On October 9th 1824 Samuel Palmer’s ‘never to be forgotten first interview’ with William Blake took place at Fountain Court, a tall, plain and rather morose red brick building on the Strand. This first meeting was to have a profound effect on the young artist and would create a friendship that lasted until Blake’s death three years later at the age of 70.

Adam’s Gallery is pleased to present an exhibition and series of events to commemorate this first encounter.

Palmer spent the last twenty years of his life in Reigate and is buried in St Marys Church yard along with his wife Hannah.

During his years in Reigate Palmer created many works of art including watercolours and etchings. He is also known to have entertained the Pre Raphaelites at his home.

In the 1920’s Palmers largely forgotten etchings were rediscovered by a group of artists studying at Goldsmiths University. In particular Graham Sutherland and Paul Drury.

Sutherland and Drury and others went on to create a body of work inspired by Palmers Pastoral vision and his unrivalled skills as a printmaker.

The exhibition will feature works by Palmer, Blake, Sutherland and Drury as well as many others including contemporary artists who have been invited to create a piece of work for the show.

A series of events will also take place during the course of the exhibition.

Please click on the links

‘Introduction to Dry Point etching workshops’

Personal exhibition tours for small groups with drinks and canapes.

A talk at St Mary’s Church Centre about Samuel Palmer

List of Works Below