Alison Bessesdotter
Art for me is a consuming performance, a transmutation of chemicals, minerals, biological materials and myself, converting them into curious objects that we display and observe. I am kinetic by nature and spend my days and nights deep in imaginative states or creating. My pieces are intuitive experiences, sometimes other-worldly themes and how we are hard wired to have a belief in something—love, a noble cause, science, nature, and the self. I am engaged with the notion that as a predominantly cooperative species we are all connected to one another—much like an enormous rhizome or a super-organism. My belief in our connectivity to one another and to everything in our environment is driving my art to reflect how although we are individuals within the same species we must embrace cooperation to be successful. My artwork often explores shapes that are cooperating to unify cohesively, connect or remain as individuals that are sympathetic modules or outliers. I believe that our true power is actualised through our ability to perform together.
Vessel 1 Collage 30cmx 30cm 15th October 2020
Vessel 2 Collage 30cm x 30cm 20th October 2020